



Associate Certified Entomologist

A.C.E are leaders in the field of pest control.

Associate Certified Entomologist – A Busy Bees Journey There haven’t been many things in my life that I could confidently say I excelled at. However, during my journey as a pest control technician, I found myself captivated by the world of insects I was tasked to manage. I began to do more than just eliminate… Continue reading Associate Certified Entomologist

Exterminator to Pest Management Professional – A Brief History of the Pest Control Field.

A masquerade historical scene reconstruction. Plague doctor in medieval old town. Castle and epidemic

Early on humans learned the need for pest control. It grew into the profession we are today.

Ants Go Marching On

Don't let ants ruin your day. Get your home treated before large events. Call today to have an expert to your door! office (860) 446-7500

Ants outnumber just about every species on earth. They have developed a solid society based on a caste system that allow for the colony as a whole to survive no matter how many ants have to fall. The ultimate goal is save the queen save the future. It is this very basic structure that has allowed the ant to out live the majority of animals and insects on Earth.