



Associate Certified Entomologist

A.C.E are leaders in the field of pest control.

Associate Certified Entomologist – A Busy Bees Journey There haven’t been many things in my life that I could confidently say I excelled at. However, during my journey as a pest control technician, I found myself captivated by the world of insects I was tasked to manage. I began to do more than just eliminate… Continue reading Associate Certified Entomologist

Rodents – Sanitation, Exclusion, Control

rom day one humans have had a rodent issue more so we have a waste issue. We leave a trail of high caloric food that allow rodents to thrive along side us. “One man’s trash is another rodent’s treasure” or in this case home. Along with all the food we leave behind we also leave a plethora of materials that rats and mice alike can easily turn into a home. Once settled in they will multiply and quickly have free run of a building. Along with their love to chew wires rodents cause major damage every year to our crops, stored food and ready to eat food source. Rodents will live in the filthiest places such as sewer lines or dumpsters then travel into our homes and bring with them bacteria that can cause serious illness.